Please call the office at 608.783.5644, email at or send a note with your child if he/she will not be attending school, has an outside appointment, or will be leaving before dismissal time. Voicemail is available 24 hours. Dial 608.783.5644 to leave your message.
Please provide the following information when leaving a voice mail, email or sending a written note:
1. Your child’s name (first AND last name)
2. Your name
3. Teacher’s name
4. Nature of the absence; if related to an illness, please include symptoms.
Do NOT email the teacher or leave a message on their extension in regards to what your child should do after school that same day. (There may be a substitute in the class that day.)
8:05 a.m.- Playground supervision/breakfast starts. Please do not drop your children off before 8:05 a.m. as there is no supervision prior to that time. 8:30 a.m.- The bell rings. 3:20 p.m.- Dismissal
Speak Up Speak Out App, an anonymous reporting tool that students can use to report incidents of cyberbullying, violence, drugs or weapons possession or other areas of school safety that a student might be concerned about. This certainly doesn't replace the traditional approach of a student sharing these types of concerns with a trusted adult at home or school; however, it does provide another option.
Students should be aware that if a report is made outside of school hours, there will not be an immediate response at that time (e.g. this is not a 911 response). School personnel will follow up with students and investigate during the next school days. Likewise, immediate concerns during the school day should be reported directly to a school administrator or counselor to ensure the fastest response. The App simply provides another venue for students to have voice.